Wednesday, January 23, 2008

New couch

Lillian got a new couch today -- more specifically, a Dora flip-open slumber sofa. She loves sitting in it, unfolding and folding it, and even lying down on it to pretend-nap. We may have found the one thing that she will willingly sleep on other than a shoulder. She will also enjoy watching Sesame Street on it. It's the only TV program she watches with any interest, other than shows with live singers.
Lillian also enjoys wearing her sunglasses in the car. Following the advice of our doctor, we flipped the carseat around to rear-facing, at least for a few more months, until she grows a little more. We thought she'd hate it, especially as much as she initially resisted the carseat, but rear-facing seems OK with her. She tends to nod off fairly quickly in a carseat anyway.


Unknown said...

Love the pics!!! Hope everyone is adjusting well. Love the glasses!! It looks like she's enjoying the spoiling! :-) It would be hard not to...she's such a cutie.

Rene said...


Welcome home to all THREE!

Looking forward to more pictures and stories!