Saturday, December 27, 2008

Slumber Party!

Lillian had a sleepover at Lauren and Jaylen's house last night. Then, in the morning, she celebrated the Austin family Christmas with Grandpa, Grammie, Aunt Megan, Uncle Rich, Uncle Adam, Aunt Victoria, Mommy, Daddy, and her two first cousins. (Uncle Adam got the tickle treatment, as pictured here!)

We have one more extended family gathering next weekend -- Lillian is going to think that Christmas never ends around here!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Lillian's photo blog

Lillian's main Christmas present today was her Vtech camera. Once she figured out which way to point the camera (not at her eyes), she got some good shots.

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

First Christmas together

We are really enjoying our first Christmas with Lillian. She has taken immediately to decorations, outdoor lighting displays, Christmas music, present-wrapping, and the various TV specials of the season, particularly versions of the Nutcracker ballet, and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Rudolph is a lifelong favorite of Mommy's too, but Daddy has always thought it was too sad for little kids. He's probably right, but Lillian and Mommy love it anyway. We even made a display of various Rudolph characters on the landing, including the scary Abominable Snow Monster.

Lillian loves to say "Christmas lights," which she pronounces with accentuation of every syllable: "Oh, look, Mommy! Christ-Mas-Light!" She also knows whose birth Christmas celebrates and expects to put coins in the Salvation Army bucket in front of every store so she can "share."

We are so blessed.